Original songs and lyrics by Martha Rogers

Welcome! The songs in this collection arose in the early 2000s during my ongoing healing from childhood sexual abuse, helping me to find shape and form in the midst of the arduous, tumultuous unearthing of my painful history.  They provided me a source of comfort, release, and expression of that which so long had been inexpressible. 

Different songs hold pieces of the larger experience–longing, despair, courage, anger, abandonment, hope, and the quest for beauty and love.

Look The Dragon In The Eye

I was not planning to publish them.  However,  in the summer of 2020, my dear friend and recording studio producer, Zane Kuchera, called to ask, “Did I know that I had 14 songs fully recorded and basically ready to release?”  No, I did not know that. 

At first, I felt overwhelmed at the vulnerability of releasing them.  Like many, and perhaps most, survivors, speaking my truth, especially in the original setting of the abuse, has meant confronting denial in its many guises rather than an honoring of the depth and healing power that our truths offer.

However, with the creative loving support of many friends, and plenty of guidance and encouragement from Zane, I became ready to press the “send” button. 

I offer these songs now with enormous gratitude for the opportunity to share the fruits of this particular chapter of a lifelong process of reclaiming self.

All proceeds from any downloads will go toward Survivor Theatre Project (survivortheatreproject.com), an organization I have worked with and loved for many years.  STP’s mission is to empower survivors with the tools to heal from sexual violence through artistic expression, social justice activism, community, and empowerment. Funded by grants and generous donors, we offer free arts-based workshops, healing resources, and artistic mentorship.  STP particularly centers Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), queer & trans-folk, women, non-binary, and disabled survivors who seek healing, support and affirmation.  

The album image dragon sketch was by Marah Loft. The design of the photo and the background sketch was by Mark Herdeg.

Martha Rogers
martha@MarthaRogersMusic.com website by Zane Kuchera